Yesterday Logan starred in the role of a lifetime as baby Jesus in a nativity skit at Watts public elementary school over in Oklahoma. Holly Allen, a JBU professor of children and family ministry, asked if he could take the part for a class project that her curriculum students present each year for school kids. I was squeamish about letting our precious son loose into the cold, cruel world of germs and sinners at such a tender age, but I suppose that's exactly how our God felt about sending His son. Even though Logan is now 3 months old, I was reluctant just thinking about all the runny noses out there and someone possibly dropping him on a hard floor, but thankfully the college student who played Mary is an experienced babysitter of 6 week-old infants and she was very careful. The Bible story and skit were well done, and I think it was a good outreach to this lower-income community.
Logan is now saying "Meh!" instead of "leh" when he wants milk. Maybe he's shifting over to "moo." His trunk and legs get longer and chubbier every day. He's getting ring-around-the-cranium (little bald patches) from his little hats since he is growing so much. Sometimes he wakes up around 9 a.m. and whines mildly but then lapses into cooing and just patiently waiting for the day to begin. It gives me time to brew some coffee before I change his diaper and hand him off to Mama. He had a bit of indigestion and fussiness for a few days after our Texas trip, but I think he is getting back on track. What a blessing he is!