Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Director of Logan's clinic called Amanda and said he'd had the best week in the entire year he's been enrolled there. He is not only using ~50 words a day there, he is signing for things. Today at the playground, Logan signed that he wanted a drink several times to me. He also stayed dry for over 1.5 hours while we were out! At Mama Jean's he replied when Amanda asked what he wanted to do by making the sign for swinging, so they went straight out to the hammock. Afterward, she served him Butter Pecan from Braums and he said, "Ice...CREAM!" and pointed to each spoonful for another bite. On the walk home, we spotted baby calves in a field right next to us who huddled close to each other. Audrey asked, "Why are they hugging?" Logan repeated, "Hug!"

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