Monday, September 3, 2012

Mandy & I took Logan and Audrey on some adventures this Labor Day. First we dropped Elinor off with Mama Jean, and then we headed out to Natural Falls (film site of Where the Red Fern Grows), just 10 minutes from our house. 

We played on the playground, then set off on our hike on the trail that now crosses the creek and circles the small "mountain" beyond the dam. Logan fussed hard at the heat and not having stones to throw (this creek was strangely devoid of rocks) but eventually he accepted this hike for what it was and proved again that he's a natural hiker and climber. One part goes nearly vertical from the base of another creek crossing, and Logan found handholds on tree roots and rock outcroppings like they were simply a ladder going up. We enjoyed snow cones after we got back to the parking lot. 

After nap time (during which Daddy trimmed the hedges and tried cleaning the gutters), we then drove out to Flint Creek, where Logan found thousands of rocks to hurl down for that pleasing "ka-thunk" sound. We also used the inner tube to float by the falls and splash around, and all of us enjoyed twist cones before heading to Mama Jean's for baths and a tortilla soup supper. Thank God for a day of rest!

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